Life Is Strange: True Colors

Square Enix reportedly didn’t want Life is Strange: True Colors to be thought of as the ‘gay game’

A new IGN report on Life is Strange: True Colors studio Deck Nine contains numerous allegations of dysfunction at the studio, as well as the surprising claim that publisher Square Enix was reluctant to embrace the series’ underlying themes—to the point that it told the studio it didn’t want Life is Strange to become known as the “gay game.”

The first Life is Strange game, released episodically through 2015, was developed by Dontnod, as was the sequel, Life is Strange 2, which came out in 2018. Deck Nine created the 2017 prequel, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, and the 2021 followup, Life is Strange: True Colors. It’s a bit of an unusual situation—kind of like an Infinity Ward/Treyarch back-and-forth, but for narrative adventures rather than military shooters—but all of the games in the series have been acclaimed for their adept storytelling and characters.