Sons of the Forest shovel location

Sons of the Forest shovel location guide


If you want to find the shovel in Sons of the Forest, it’s trickier than you might expect. If you’ve done just a little exploring and stumbled across those spots on the ground at points of interest that show a shovel symbol, you may think it’s a tool near at hand. But this staple of survival games is actually hidden deep within a cave and there are a few prerequisites to finding it.

If you’re wondering how to save your game (opens in new tab), there’s a guide for that. Or if you just want a few tips on how to survive (opens in new tab) the cannibal-infested island, I can help with that too. If you’re keen to find out how to get the shovel in Sons of the Forest, here’s what you need to know before you set out. 

Before you set out to find the shovel 
