Someone has a ‘brainrot theory’ about what’s going on with the Brotherhood in the Fallout TV show and I kind of want it to be true

The Fallout games have showcased several different chapters of the Brotherhood of Steel, and each one has been different in its own way. While described as being “a little fanatical” even in the isometric Fallout days, the Amazon show’s chapter seemed particularly heavy on the olde worlde religious overtones. According to a self-described “brainrot theory” suggested by OmegaSpartan256 on the Fallout subreddit, maybe there’s a good reason for that. What if the West Coast chapter of the Brotherhood seen in the show synthesized the beliefs of Caesar’s Legion?

As they put it, “Maximus? Titus? Thaddeus? Quintus? All names you’d hear assigned to Legion raised individuals.” In the games we’ve met members of the Brotherhood of Steel who have names with a little mythic resonance, like Jacob, Mary, Arthur, and Tristan, but they’ve just as often been given more typical names, “never Latin/Roman” as OmegaSpartan256 points out.