Naoki Yoshida stands on the right with his hand on his hip, wearing a blue suit.,

Somehow one of Final Fantasy 14 Fan Festival’s biggest surprises was its director wearing a suit

Final Fantasy 14’s third and final Fan Festival of the Endwalker expansion just took place in Tokyo over the weekend. While there was a surprise lack of release date for upcoming expansion Dawntrail, we did get to see tons of neat stuff: female hrothgar, artsy class Pictomancer, and a bizarro cyberpunk world that has me wondering just what the hell the Warrior of Light is getting up to on his summer vacation.

Yet amongst all of the news, that somehow wasn’t the biggest surprise of the weekend. No, it was something far more strange, more sinister. By far one of the most talked about things was director and producer Naoki Yoshida turning up to the festival’s PvP tournament finals in a suit. Shirt, blazer, tie, the whole shebang.