Image for Slay the Spire 2 ditched Unity for open-source engine Godot after over 2 years of development

Slay the Spire 2 ditched Unity for open-source engine Godot after over 2 years of development

I didn’t learn about open-source game engine Godot until last year, when its profile was raised by an extraordinary fumble from commercial game engine Unity. Now Godot is being used to make Slay the Spire 2, which instantly became one of my most highly anticipated games when it was announced this week.

Slay the Spire 2 developer Mega Crit said last year that, despite already having spent over two years building its next game in Unity, it would switch engines if the company didn’t reverse an enormously unpopular new policy which would have, under certain conditions, charged game developers each time someone installed their Unity-based game.