
Our second example of a tournament site created with the Toornament website builder is out. In this post, we take the time to discover it in detail.
The last time, our builder example “Beast Stars” showcased a full website with multiple pages. They contained the tournament information including its different stages with leaderboards, a double elimination bracket and also the match and participant lists.
This week, our new example is a simpler but just as effective one to highlight tournament information. The “Supra Cup 2022 Championship” is a one-page website in a black/yellow designed around a Valorant team competition.
The header contains a nice image as background, with tournament title and Twitch link on top of it. The participating teams are listed in a series of inline image blocks.
The tournament format is a double elimination bracket in which four teams among six start in the winner bracket, and the two others start from the lower bracket. This unusual tournament format is made possible thanks to our “Skip 1st round” option.
The bracket was designed with the Toornament builder to perfectly blend in the website design.
The remaining space of the website is composed of different sections and blocks dedicated to tournament information and social media links.
You can explore this new full website example on https://site.toornament.com/5550651167617417216/.
After the colorful design of “Best Stars”, this one shows you that every competition design is possible with the website builder featured in our subscription-plan Tourney. In the end, the best is to try and play with it by yourself. Our 2 weeks free trial is waiting for you on https://www.toornament.com/pricing.