The Sims 4 build tips -

Sims 4 build tips: 7 tricks for building beginners

Every Sims player has, in their past, built a plain, box-shaped house with a single gabled roof and a weirdly empty-feeling living room inside and wondered “why does this look so wrong?” It’s a canon event. But with some easy Sims 4 build tips, you don’t have to scratch your head forever. I don’t think I’ll ever achieve the intricately staged interiors of speed build videos or aesthetic Insta posts, but my build skills have definitely gotten better after remembering all these tips.

First, here are some build mode hotkeys and cheats you should know:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+C and type the cheat bb.moveobjects to place objects closer together without conflicting, but be sure Sims can still use them!
  • Hold Alt to freely move objects around without snapping to grid placement.
  • Use keys [ and ] to shrink/enlarge objects, which is great for plants, paintings, and other decorative items.
  • Use keys 9 and 0 to raise/lower objects off the floor, which is great for placing decorative doodads on top of cabinets or sinks or other surfaces that objects don’t snap to.
  • Use the cheat bb.showhiddenobjects to get access to “debug” items

Start with tiny houses 

The smaller the home, the easier it is to make it look lived in.  (Image credit: Maxis / Electronic Arts)

The best way to practice all the following tips is to try them on very small houses. I didn’t believe how much this could improve my building skills until the Tiny Living game pack changed the way I think about Sims builds. Even if you don’t have the Tiny Living pack and its space-saving appliances, try building and decorating houses that are approximately 50 tiles.