Silent Hill 2 fan patch fixes 20 year-old game breaking glitch

Silent Hill 2 fan patch fixes 20 year-old game breaking glitch


The Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition (opens in new tab) fan patch (not to be confused with the disastrous HD edition (opens in new tab) of the game on consoles) just got a 2.0 release that, among other changes, addresses a persistent crashing issue on multi-core processors that has plagued the game since its PC release 20 years ago.

Silent Hill 2 suffered similarly to other PC ports of the PS2 era, with a slate of graphical glitches and stability issues that have only gotten worse on newer hardware. The team behind the Enhanced Edition has been working on getting the game to as polished and playable a state as possible on modern systems. We’ve covered their work previously, most recently at the end of 2020 (opens in new tab).
