Shadow Priest to Get Major Rework in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1

Shadow Priest to Get Major Rework in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1


The reworks just keep on coming, as Shadow Priest is set for a huge overhaul in Dragonflight patch 10.1.

Not content with the changes they made to Talents at the start of Dragonflight, Blizzard has been putting a lot of work into “fixing” a number of specs. With Ret Paladin getting some love in 10.0.7, Shadow Priest is next to be placed under the microscope. In a recent interview with creators, Morgan Day confirmed that Shadow Priest was next in line for a rework. At first, Shadow Priests were hyped for the changes: “Really happy about this,” with a general consensus being it was needed.

That, however, shifted once the full list of changes was made public. You can read the full PTR notes for 10.1 here, with the Shadow Priest changes posted in full later in this article; however, the significant changes that Blizzard wants to highlight can be found below.

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what the Shadow Priest community wants, and, honestly, the PTR is a weird place to get a good look at it. While the most die-hard players will flood to the PTR to test the changes, the vast majority of players won’t, with many having no idea what’s even changing until Blizzard drops the final patch notes. It’s likely that we’ll see more changes to the Shadow Priest during this patch cycle, and we’ll update this story when that happens.

It’s clear from this that BLizzard has an intention with Shadow Priest that isn’t currently being utilized. However, a quick check of the Priest feedback forums appears to show a different side. While the minority are often the most vocal, it’s worth noting that Shadow is a fairly niche spec, and thus, its community is quite tightly knit. The key now will be, can Blizzard balance such a community and provide a full rework that keeps everyone happy?

All updates from the original notes will appear in bold with old text crossed out

  • Mind Sear, Dark Void, Coalescing Shadows, Puppet Master, Harnessed Shadows, Pain of Death, Surge of Darkness, and Damnation have been removed.

  • Shadowy Insight no longer passively grants an additional charge of Mind Blast.

  • Shadowy Insight no longer temporarily increases the maximum charges of Mind Blast when it triggers.

  • Psychic Link now affects Devouring Plague and Shadow Word: Death.

  • Psychic Link is now a 1-point talent and has been moved to Mind Sear’s location.

  • Psychic Link has been reworded – Your damaging single target spells deal 40% of their damage to all other targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch within 40 yards. Does not apply to damage from Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch.

  • Auspicious Spirits now causes Shadowy Apparitions to have a chance to generate 2 Insanity instead of always generating 1 Insanity.

  • Maddening Touch now increases the damage of Vampiric Touch by 10%/20% and has a chance to generate 1 Insanity/2 Insanity.

  • Void Torrent generates 24 Insanity over its duration (was 60).

  • Shadow Crash generates 6 Insanity (was 15).

  • Shadow Crash no longer applies Vampiric Touch.

  • Mind Devourer now has a 4%/8% chance to grant a free cast of Devouring Plague (was 10%/20%).

  • Mind Devourer now increases the damage of your next Devouring Plague by 8%/15% when it triggers.

  • Mind Melt no longer reduces the cast time of Mind Blast.

  • Mind Melt is now a 2-point talent.

  • Mind Melt increases the critical strike chance of Mind Blast by 10%/20% (was 25%), stacking up to 4 times (was 2).

  • Idol of C’Thun can now trigger from Mind Spike and Void Torrent damage.

  • Idol of C’Thun now spawns a Void Lasher if there are more than 2 targets nearby and otherwise spawns a Void Tendril.

  • Idol of C’Thun Mind Flay damage reduced by 20%.

  • Idol of C’Thun Mind Sear damage increased by 75%.

  • Void Tendril and Void Lasher from Idol of C’Thun generate 15 Insanity over their duration (was 30).

  • Mind Sear from Idol of C’Thun now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.

  • The cast speed of Mind Sear from Idol of C’Thun no longer scales with Haste.

  • Mind Flay and Mind Sear from Idol of C’Thun, Echoing Void from Idol of N’Zoth, and Void Torrent now have 5% damage variance.

  • Mind Spike now replaces Mind Flay.

  • Mind Spike damage increased by 15%.

  • Mind Flay: Insanity has been renamed to Surge of Insanity.

  • Surge of Insanity generates 12 Insanity over its duration (was 16).

  • Surge of Insanity now empowers your next Mind Flay or Mind Spike.

  • Surge of Insanity now lasts 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).

  • Surge of Insanity can now accumulate up to 2 charges.

  • Mind Flay: Insanity and Mind Spike: Insanity have been added to the Personal Resource Display.

  • Screams of the Void has been redesigned – Devouring Plague causes your Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch to deal damage 40%/80% faster for 3 seconds.

  • Mental Decay now also increases the duration of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch by 2 seconds when Mind Spike is cast.

  • Dark Evangelism can now also be triggered by Mind Spike.

  • Insidious Ire now also affects Void Torrent damage.

  • New Talent: Thought Harvester – Mind Blast gains an additional charge.

  • New Talent: Whispering Shadows – Shadow Crash generates an additional 6 Insanity and applies Vampiric Touch to up to 8 targets it damages.

  • New Talent: Voidtouched – Increases your Devouring Plague damage by 6% and increases your maximum Insanity by 50.

  • New Talent: Mastermind – Increases the critical strike chance of Mind Blast, Mind Flay, and Mind Spike by 2%/4% and increases their critical strike damage by 13%/25%.

  • New Talent: Phantasmal Pathogen – Shadowy Apparitions deal 75%/150% increased damage to targets affected by your Devouring Plague.

  • New Talent: Mind’s Eye – Reduces the Insanity cost of Devouring Plague by 5.

  • Throes of Pain generates 1 Insanity per rank (was 3 and 5).

  • Ancient Madness is now a 1-point talent.

  • Dark Ascension and Void Eruption should now properly override the other on your Action Bar when swapping talents.

  • Several nodes in the talent tree have changed position.

  • Updated the Shadow Priest starter build.

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