Season 34 is here! - Overbuff

Season 34 is here! – Overbuff


Each season players will have to follow some steps in order to get their competitive stats to appear. If you’ve already played some games this season and comp stats are not appearing, be sure to check out the Special Notes section.

As of this writing Blizzard does not share Open Queue stats outside of the game.

  1. Ensure CAREER PROFILE VISIBILITY is set to PUBLIC under the Social tab of the Options menu in Overwatch, then close the game.

  2. Visit your Overbuff profile.

  3. Play at least 1 game of competitive mode, close Overwatch, then visit or refresh your profile.

  4. (Repeating step.) Play at least 1 more game of competitive mode, close Overwatch, then visit or refresh your profile. Your competitive stats should now appear. If not, repeat this step until they do.

While the above may seem like a lot, we do this due to the way Blizzard shares its data and to help ensure that your data from Blizzard is correct.

Special Notes

  • The number of games played before visiting your profile for the first time during a season with a public profile does not change the above process. We need to see new games once you’ve been to your profile.
  • A lock icon near your name on your Overbuff profile means Blizzard reports your profile is private and there’s nothing we can do until they say otherwise. Once it disappears, follow the above steps.
  • If you change your BattleTag, PSID, GamerTag, or Switch name between or during the season, you will have to follow the above steps again.


  • Offense and Defense roles are still listed separately in some areas instead of being listed as Damage.
  • Symmetra is listed as Support.
