Spider-Verse Seagates

Seagate’s Into the Spider-Verse styled portable HDDs are stunning


I’m about to show my age, but the changes in portable hard drives over the years has been crazy to watch. I remember buying a large 1TB “portable” drive that required external power with pay from one of my first jobs. It was an unwieldy beast with more memory than I thought I could ever need, and I’d lug it to friend’s houses with pride as we exchanged digital media. 

I also vividly remember the sting of advancement. About a year later smaller USB-powered units were commonplace, and about the same price as I’d paid. These tiny pocketable drives were among the coolest things my data-hoarding eyes had ever seen. That has just been knocked completely out of the field by these gorgeous Spider-Man HDDs from Seagate (opens in new tab).

