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Roblox Man Face is an emoji-like face from Roblox, a video game Roblox known as”Man Face “Man Face” that was made available on Roblox avatar shop Roblox avatar shops for no cost in 2012 as part of the “Man bundle.”
The face is extremely well-known on the avatar store and is frequently featured in humorous memes and shitposts to be exploitable and photo-shopped on other characters to create a comedy effect. The face was first referred to”Johnny Face. “Johnny Face.”
Man Face was released to the Roblox avatar shop on July 26th, 2012. Man Face was published to the Roblox avatar store on the 26th of July in 2012 under the name “Johnny Face” (shown below). The original price was 100 Robux but it is now available for available for free.

In December 2020 , the Twitter account @RobloxManFacee, which translates to “random images but the roblox man face is on it,” began to post photoshops featuring the face on other objects and characters. On February 5 2021, YouTuber Flamingo uploaded a video entitled “ROBLOX MAN FACE” playing the game alongside others playing using the face. The video gained over 3.2 million views over seven weeks (shown in the video below).
The Man Face became significantly popular with players during the period of 2021. Roblox YouTubers MoFlare, Craxel and Sebee significantly contributed to spreading the popularity of the face after they used the image on their YouTube videos.
It’s explained on a video uploaded on YouTube by Laughability in March 2021 in which he explains why many people have the face, and also refers to it in a humorous way as an”cult” (shown in the video below).
A mug featuring the Man face can be purchased from Etsy. On March 27 the TikToker account @pigletpepperoni17 shared the video of her showing off her new mug with more than 2.3 million views in just six weeks (shown in the video below).
The account was launched in April of 2021. account @Robloxmanfacee began posting photoshopped images that added the character’s face to characters from other games as well as other media assets (early examples below).
On the 30th of August 2021, 2021, composer Hideki Naganuma who is most well-known for his composition of music for the Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack posted a photo of his Man face on Twitter, along with a brief description drawn from the Roblox Wikipedia, and gained more than 8,300 followers and 1,100 retweets over one period of one week (shown beneath).

The same day, Twitter’s page @RobloxManFacee shared a photoshop of the face that was added to on the JetBlue Burger King Racist, receiving over 10,000 likes within just a month (shown in the image below).

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