Rising Hope Coach Faces Allegations of Sexual Harassements

Rising Hope Coach Faces Allegations of Sexual Harassements


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Former head coach Jehiel “Pizzafps” Ardiente has accused Rising Hope coach Vladislav “Simons” Mineev of sexually harassing his team and indecent exposure.

Pizzafps published a TwitLonger late yesterday that included a timeline of events. Rising Hope’s unanimous decision to remove her and the rest of the all-female VALORANT group.

She claimed that Simons used to tell others to “show me your dick” making Pizzafps and the rest of her team uncomfortable. She said, “I found it offensive, so I called Simons out and told him it wasn’t funny.”

After the incident, the stack decided to hold their training and scrims at Game Changers APAC Elite without Simons or another coach she called Way. Pizzafps stated that Simons’ inexcusable behavior escalated, and he even showed his penis to the team on a Discord chat. 

Further investigation revealed that Simons had been drinking alcohol and misbehaving while watching his team’s scrims.

Pizzafps presented the issue to Rising Hope coowner Lazar and discussed the possibility of Simons being kicked out of the org. “We told Lazar that we would leave the org if he didn’t remove Simons.

Lazar initially wanted Simons to stay in the org because he ‘is a big star.’ But he eventually agreed with the team about Simons’ behavior and said he would not be joining the team moving forward. Simons remains Rising Hope’s coach, despite this.

“I got traumatized with what happened. The shock my players went through is resounding, causing me sleepless nights,” said Pizzafps. “We just hope that these types of predators would be barred from the scene as this is what is destroying the community and giving the game industry a bad image.”

Rising Hope announced the Squad’s departure while Simons was still a member.

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