Retro shooter Ultrakill now has official sex toy support

Retro shooter Ultrakill now has official sex toy support


Retro FPS Ultrakill (opens in new tab), which came out in early access a couple years ago, now has a feature that I can safely say I’ve never seen in another shooter. Its developer released an “official mod” today which adds support for open source software that can be used to control the vibration of Xbox controllers and other devices. As its name makes obvious, the software, called (opens in new tab), is mainly intended for use with those other vibrating devices.

The Ultrakill mod itself is called “UKbutt,” and can be downloaded from Github (opens in new tab), where you’ll also find brief instructions for its installation and use. It looks like the mod requires some basic software tinkering knowledge, but nothing too complicated for a motivated player. Once installed, UKbutt can be used to trigger vibrations in the user’s device of choice based on what’s happening in Ultrakill. The currently supported vibration triggers are screen shake, weapon firing, movement (“dashing, sliding, etc”), and menu haptics.
