Retro horror game Mothmen 1966 is a Stephen King short story in videogame form

Retro horror game Mothmen 1966 is a Stephen King short story in videogame form


Mothmen 1966 is the first in a series of what its creators, two indie devs from Argentina, call pixel pulps: visual novels with restricted color schemes reminiscent of computers from the 1980s, telling stories inspired by the kind of pulp fiction every bit as lurid as a CGA monitor. 

This one, with its cast of small-town Americans besieged by strange beings who appear during a meteor shower, conjures the stories you get in Stephen King anthologies like Skeleton Crew, or maybe an extra-violent episode of The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits. It’s twisty and brief, and will punch you right in the face.

(Image credit: Chorus)

You bounce between the viewpoints of three protagonists, all struggling with secrets even before the men in black and mothmen show up. There’s gas station hermit Holt, who has a mysterious project he’s building out back; Lee, a young man with a lot of anger and daddy issues he’s trying to keep tamped down; and his girlfriend Victoria, who has something she needs to tell Lee if only she can get the words out. There’s also Lou, a writer who knows all kinds of stuff about folklore and conspiracies, though unfortunately he’s not a playable character.
