Next Generation de-yassified and sleazy looking Luis Sera looking at the camera with his mouth open

Resident Evil 4 is partying like it’s 2011 with a deluge of day-one DLC


As reported by GamesRadar (opens in new tab), eagle-eyed users on ResetEra (opens in new tab) noticed a Microsoft Store listing for a “Resident Evil 4 Treasure Map Expansion (opens in new tab),” seemingly part of the game’s Digital Deluxe Edition. The content pack’s description reads: “Discover the hidden treasures that await! With this map, additional treasures will be placed throughout the game. Some of these treasures can only be obtained by this method.”

A quick perusal of RE4’s Microsoft Store page (opens in new tab) reveals a total of 13 different content packs, presumably available separately in addition to being bundled in the $70 Digital Deluxe version. These packs include mostly outfits and cosmetic options, but also two new weapons and the aforementioned treasure map.
