Resident Evil 4 HD Project releases next week after 8 years of work

Resident Evil 4 HD Project releases next week after 8 years of work


The Resident Evil 4 HD project began in 2014 and, eight years or so down the line, is finally complete and will release February 2nd. You may well be wondering why this project exists at all, given that developer Capcom has re-released Resident Evil 4 itself in several HD versions, and the answer is: They weren’t so good.

The version of Resident Evil 4 that arrived on Steam in 2014 was technically high-definition, but lacked basic customisation options and the textures had merely been made a little sharper. It just didn’t look the part, or do justice to one of the best games ever made. So the Resident Evil HD project decided that if Capcom wasn’t going to do it properly, they would: This is a a huge texture and asset overhaul for the PC version of Resident Evil 4, which recreates the textures for every background, item and character in the game.
