Season of the Dawn

Remember all those Destiny 2 guns you deleted after they got sunset? Bungie admits you shouldn’t have done that: ‘We regret we have no recovery mechanism’

The Season of the Dawn weapon set was the last to be sunset, and I now wish I’d held onto some of them. (Image credit: Bungie)

In what has come as an unexpected but huge W for those with a chronic hoarding problem, Bungie has today announced that it is undoing the last part of one of its most unpopular design decisions: Weapon sunsetting. Back in 2020, the studio made a huge call to remove huge swathes of content from the game, including entire planetary destinations and raids, and also capped the power of all old weapons, meaning they could no longer be ‘infused’ to the current power cap, rendering them useless in many activities.

The main reasons cited by Bungie at the time included combatting the spiraling file size of the game, the need to make it easier to test for bugs, and to encourage players to use new gear rather than sticking with old favourites. While all that made some sense, players hated it about exactly as much as you would imagine players would feel about having content they’d paid for forcibly removed from a game.