
The addition of Night Market in VALORANT is one of the best added features by Riot Games till date. Players are enjoying this new marketplace where they can purchase skins at a largely discounted price. This market will pop up once in every two months and offers six random skins at a dropped rate.
What is Night Market in Valorant?
VALORANT Night Market is an exciting way for players to get premium skins at a very cheaper price but there is a small catch. Players cannot select the skins which would be available for them.
What are the special features of Night Market?
The Night Market is still a special feature as it is personalized for each player. Every player will receive a different combination of six skins at a varied discount rates. This marketplace is still valuable as Riot Games has promised that every player will get at least two premium skins in the pool. This is known as Bad Luck Protection in the Night Market.
Players who own all the premium skins will get six random offers. Not more than two skins of the same weapon are available in the Night Market at once.
Valorant Night Market Dates and Schedule for 2022:
The first Night Market in VALORANT has begun from 9th February 2022. This new addition is a result of the in-game Lunar New Year Celebration. Dates for the next Night Market have not been revealed yet but as mentioned before, players can expect the skins to change after a bimonthly interval.
How to access Night Market in Valorant?
It is fairly simple to navigate to the Night Market in Valorant. Simply launch the game and look on the top corner. Click on the shiny card logo to access the Night Market.
After entering in the market, six cards with different skin tier logos would be displayed. Click on them to view the discounted offer and type of skin available for you at the market.