Redfall promo image - four characters and a small robot walking toward the viewer, talking amongst themselves

Redfall is getting one final update before Arkane Austin is gone forever, and it will include an offline mode

Last week’s closure of Arkane Austin (along with Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog Games, and Roundhouse Games) spelled the end of the line for its not particularly well-received co-op FPS Redfall, and any shot it may have had at a Cyberpunk 2077-style redemption tour. But it’s getting one final update before the end comes, which among other things will include a long-awaited offline mode.

The update was announced via a brief message on Twitter. “Thank you for all your supportive messages,” Arkane wrote. “We are working to release our final update, Game Update 4, that brings revamped Neighborhood and Nest systems, Single Player Pausing, Offline Mode, and more. We’ll provide additional details soon. Thank you all.”

(Image credit: Arkane Austin (Twitter))

Redfall requires an online connection even in singleplayer mode, which isn’t great—a point director Harvey Smith acknowledged a couple months before the game’s launch. Smith said adding offline play was not a small job, but that Arkane was “looking into and working actively toward fixing that in the future.”