Rebuild society after a climate apocalypse in city builder Floodland

Rebuild society after a climate apocalypse in city builder Floodland


A promising demo out of Steam Next Fest is Floodland (opens in new tab), a city and society builder set in a world ravaged by rampant, apocalyptic climate change. It has the distinction of not being just a colony-style city builder, but a society builder ala Frostpunk, where your decisions shape laws: How people behave and what they can do.

The demo, on Steam for Next Fest, showcases how emerging societies will scavenge for resources on islands amid a vast flooded plain. It has you setting up reliable streams of food and water, but also steadily moving your scavenging camps forward to find usable plastics, wood, and metal in ruins. It peaks with the restoration of an old radio tower, to contact other survivors with.
