Ray traced Half-Life mod is finally here and looks incredible

Ray traced Half-Life mod is finally here and looks incredible


It’s a momentous day, my friends, because we can finally answer the most controversial question in videogaming: Does Gordon Freeman wear a helmet? It’s all thanks to a fan-made ray tracing mod for the original Half-Life that increases the game’s moody lighting quotient by a factor of ten, and finally, finally lets you get a look in those bathroom mirrors. It comes from a creator called sultim_t, who’s been teasing this project (opens in new tab) for a while, and you can download it for free over at their GitHub page (opens in new tab)

For whatever reason, I always seem to be more impressed by ray tracing when it shows up in golden oldies than when it’s applied to modern releases, and that’s no different here. Half-Life looks astounding draped in the latest lighting tech: Zombies seem much more foreboding when they’re lit from below and smattered in shadows, and watching Vortigaunts become subsumed by green light as they charge their attacks is genuinely intimidating. No amount of ray tracing will stop them from going down in one revolver blast, though.

