Rasberry Pi 5 pushed back to make more Pi for everyone

Rasberry Pi 5 pushed back to make more Pi for everyone


I get to write about a lot of cool creations here at PC Gamer, lots of impressive and creative DIY solutions. At the heart of many of these is a Raspberry Pi of some sort (opens in new tab). This company is known for delivering cheap computing hardware made to be played and experimented with, and boy do folks out there do just that.

The company has just delivered a bit of a good news bad news update about future production in an interview with ExplainingComputers (opens in new tab) (via Ars Technica (opens in new tab)) that you can watch embedded at the top of this article. Eben Upton, Raspberry Pi’s CEO, revealed supply pressures will mean we won’t see the new Raspberry Pi 5 launching in 2023, but that’s largely so there’s plenty of Pi for everyone in the meantime.

