Pupperazzi, reviewed by an actual puppy

Pupperazzi, reviewed by an actual puppy


My puppy, Cosmo, is a wilful and endlessly energetic tornado, which is usually pretty entertaining, even when he’s destroying everything, but it might be nice if he chilled out for a wee while. My latest attempt to teach this adorable but obstinate hound some focus involves putting him to work for PC Gamer. His first task? His impressions of Pupperazzi, the dog photography game. 

Cosmo lets me know he’s ready to play Pupperazzi by barking louder than any creature his size should be able to manage and knocking over his mostly-full water bowl. Or maybe he just wants out of his play pen. He’s loud, he’s amped and he definitely wants to tear into something. He’s ready to be a professional critic.    

First stop: a quaint beach where we get some guidance from a small dog in a little raincoat. He sits in his deck chair at the top of the beach, looking over the area like he’s holding court. He’s gently bossy, and has a surprising amount of gravitas for a furball dressed like a tiny fisherman. If it wasn’t already clear, Pupperazzi is disgustingly cute. 

(Image credit: Sundae Month)

Cosmo is unfazed by this cuteness, no matter how many times I enthusiastically point at the screen. He obviously has extremely high standards. As we go through the brief tasks assigned to us by our canine mentor, however, he starts to get into it a bit more, slapping the keyboard with gusto. Could this also have something to do with the muffin crumbs lodged between the keys? Sure. But I choose to believe he’s slowly succumbing to the corrupting influence of videogames. 

