PSG Talon bounces back after a disappointing start in the 2022 MSI


The PCS representatives never fail to deliver an exciting storyline when it comes to international events, and it looks like this time won’t be an exception. After a shocking 0-2 start, PSG Talon has managed to make a comeback, forcing a possible three-way tie between them, Red Canids, and Istanbul Wildcats. 

Red Canids was PSG Talon’s first opponent on an opening day, and the way the game unfolded was completely unexpected. PSG Talon looked completely lost during the game, they didn’t manage to score a single kill, and even though they took down a couple of towers, it wasn’t even close to being enough.

This PSG Talon performance could’ve been expected, maybe if they were facing a team like Royal Never Give Up, but definitely not Red Canids. Now, the bad news for PSG Talon was that they would go against RNG the next day, and although they did put up a better fight compared to their Red Canids game, it still ended up in RNG rolling over them.

Now coming into the third day of the event, the PCS representative was forced to score a win in their books if they wanted to have a shot at advancing to the rumble stage. This type of situation is where the best teams get to shine. PSG Talon felt the pressure and they showed up on the stage in their best form. 

PSG Talon drafted very differently compared to their last games, the Lee Sin and Ahri picks made a huge difference in the way they played. Juhan and Bay took over the map in a very dominating manner, and even if Istanbul Wildcats managed to get a few kills in the early game, PSG Talon was in complete control of the game.

They closed out the match before the 24-minute mark, giving everyone a whole new perspective of the possible outcomes in Group B. Now Red Canids and Istanbul Wildcats will have to perform better than ever in order to have a chance at getting 2nd place and advance further into the tournament.

While PSG Talon was able to come back from a 0-2 start, Saigon Buffalo put the last nail in Team Aze’s coffin. The Vietnamese team dismantled Team Aze, this puts the Latin American team in a very difficult position, because they would now have to win their last three games, and that includes taking down T1. If we are being realistic, Team Aze no longer has a chance at continuing their MSI 2022 journey.

This means that Latin America’s streak of not being able to get out of play-ins/groups will continue, bringing a lot of sadness and disappointment to the fans. But we have to give credit where it’s due, Team Aze achieved something no one in the LLA could, they qualified for an international event on their very first split. Hopefully this ends up in a positive outcome for the LATAM representatives where they maintain their roster for the upcoming LLA Summer Split.
