Dawning 2022 event images,

PSA: Don’t play Destiny 2’s new Dawning event without equipping this item first


Ho, ho, ho, it’s time to gun down thousands of aliens but in a more jolly manner than normal. (Image credit: Bungie)

Tis the season to be grinding, guardians. Today kicks off the annual Dawning event in Destiny 2, which means cookies to bake, gifts to receive, and most crucially updated perk rolls on a suite of winter-themed weapons to receive. But wait, before you begin, please take this word of advice from Santa Clarksmas. Go into your collections tab and check whether you previously unlocked the specific Dawning ship and sparrow listed below. Both of these confer actual in-game benefits during the event, which will be active from Dec 13 to Jan 3.  

The most important of the two to equip is the Starfarer 7M ship. It comes with a unique mod called Spirt of the Season, which reads: “Grants a chance to generate Dawning Spirit whenever you find a Dawning ingredient.” Dawning Spirit is a relatively rare currency that can be spent with Eva Levante in the tower on upgrades and presents. Given how her presents are mostly cool new guns, you’re going to want as much of this currency as possible, so I advise keeping the ship equipped at all times.

(Image credit: Bungie)

If you have it unlocked you can re-acquire the Starfarer 7M ship here:
Collections / Equipment / Ships / Season 12 / Starfarer 7M 

