Pokmon Go's new season focuses on Alola • Eurogamer.net

Pokmon Go’s new season focuses on Alola • Eurogamer.net


Pokémon Go’s next in-game season begins tomorrow, 1st March, and focuses on the Hawaii-inspired region of Alola.

This is the area featured in the seventh generation 3DS games Pokémon Sun and Moon, which saw players explore an archipelago of islands and snaffle up a suitably sun-drenched menagerie of creatures.

Alolan forms of existing Pokémon have been available in Pokémon Go for some time, though this season should see many more become available. Here’s a teaser, hinting at what to expect:

As you might expect, this includes Alola’s three Starters: Grass-type owl Rowlett, fire cat Litten and ridiculous seal Popplio.

Commonly-seen creatures Pikipek and Rockruff have already been teased, suggesting we’ll also see them tomorrow, alongside Dragon-type Jangmo-o and Legendary creature Tapu Koko.

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The new season announcement came as part of yesterday’s Pokémon Presents livestream, which also hosted word of a new update for Pokémon Legends Arceus and the huge Gen 9 news that Pokémon Violet and Scarlet will arrive before the end of 2022.

More detail on Pokémon Go’s Alola season will be released later today.

