PlayStation players report major performance and crashing issues in Warzone Pacific » TalkEsport

PlayStation players report major performance and crashing issues in Warzone Pacific » TalkEsport


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Warzone Pacific is getting major bashing after having performance and crashing issues in Playstation. Warzone Pacific is the integration with Call of Duty: Vanguard where the players will witness the scenes of WWII and the new Caldera map. But the players could not enjoy the gameplay on the PlayStation consoles creating a huge disappointment within the fans.

The players experienced game crashes just minutes after the servers went live. One user tweeted within a few minutes stating, “Of course my game keeps crashing every time I try to log into Warzone Pacific. Pain.”

Another player tweeted, “@CallofDuty @RavenSoftware @SHGames just so you are aware there is a graphic and gun texture glitch that is making this warzone unplayable. When dropping in the game does not load properly which causes my game to freeze and crash. I am on PS5 and this is unacceptable.”

Many users have complained about the texture of the game and the inability to see their COD Points balance. Although, the majority of the players are facing issues with the game. Raven Software has yet to acknowledge the problems with the game’s poor performance on Sony’s consoles.

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