PC gaming is becoming way harder to get into, and that sucks

PC gaming is becoming way harder to get into, and that sucks


It shouldn’t be this hard to get into PC gaming. In fact, it hasn’t been this hard to get into PC gaming for a long time. From fervent bots and silicon shortages, to a new Windows OS that makes demands of your PC you probably didn’t know existed, there’s seemingly no escape from the newly-installed barriers that block the way into PC gaming nirvana.

Whether you’re upgrading, replacing, or rebuilding your own PC, or have been forced to listen to one of your many friends complaining about their various predicaments in Discord, you’ll know all too well of the awkward and unfortunate graphics card drought. It’s wormed its way into PC gaming’s very being like dust to a tempered glass side panel. And no more have the shockwaves of that drought been felt than in the entry-level market. 

