
Brimstone mains aren’t very happy with the newly introduced Valorant 4.05 update, as it brings some significant nerfs to the Controller who was recently dominating the meta with his buffed Sky Smokes and Stim Beacons.
The 4.05 patch brings a halt to his ability to deploy multiple Stim Beacons while doubling its price but still retaining the overall effectiveness of the Beacon. As stated in a blog post by Riot, “having two stims reduced the importance of deploying it at the right moment.”
Alongside these nerfs to Brimstone, Valorant patch 4.05 also brings with it a bunch of quality of life changes to the shooter including the ability to import and export different crosshair settings via auto-generated codes, updates to the ‘Prioritize Strongest Weapon’ setting, bug fixes and more.
Some bug fixes for the newly revamped map Icebox have also been worked on, but haven’t made their way to the live servers yet. These changes will likely be deployed in a future update.
Another important change introduced in patch 4.05 is the implementation of the Deterministic Map System across all regions.
Previously, this experimental system was only deployed in LATAM servers. The Deterministic Map System utilizes a set of rules to increase the overall variety of maps that players encounter in their competitive games.
Players can check out the detailed patch notes of the 4.05 update below.