Great moments in PC gaming: Stabbing my cousin in the face in Crusader Kings 3

Paradox is changing how it releases Crusader Kings 3 DLC, and the monarchs have some concerns


A bitesize DLC for Crusader Kings 3 is on its way, but it’s neither an expansion nor a flavour pack. This time, we’re getting the Friends And Foes event pack, which will release on Steam on September 8. Rather unusually, for something that’s out in a week, Paradox has not said what it will be charging for the DLC.

This is causing some consternation among strategy lovers, because the reveal of Friends And Foes comes hot on the heels of Paradox’s recent announcement that CK3’s flavour pack DLCs would soon be doubling in price. The Paradox community is more than a little worried that they’re going to be paying through the nose for DLC generally, and what price point Paradox will put on these relatively minor expansions. Of course, they could just not buy it, but I’m in no position to criticise anyone for buying unnecessary Paradox DLC.
