OWL 2023 Power Rankings – #16 London Spitfire

OWL 2023 Power Rankings – #16 London Spitfire


Why are the London Spitfire so low on the list? Stubbornness.

This isn’t a team that’s low because they won’t make playoffs. Its a team that’s low because they will refuse to give themselves a chance to win a tournament.

London Spitfire 2023 Roster

The 2023 London Spitfire are almost no different than they were last season. With the addition of both Lethal and Skairipa, the team is… just the same. Due to where the team’s biggest misses are, these additions don’t clear up a majority of their problems. This team was plagued by the inability to conform to the meta last season, and they displayed that exact same stubbornness in the Pro-Am.


  • Hadi “Hadi” Bleinagel

One of the best and worst parts of the London Spitfire is their one and only Tank player who is only notable on a single hero. Hadi is a Reinhardt player, not a Tank player. On anything other than Reinhardt he gets absolutely dominated, and when playing Reinhardt he beats almost every other in the league. The problem is, Winston has been the best Tank in the game for half a year, and Hadi is still treating the game like Brawl is the meta. He needs to learn to adapt by picking up the Winston more, and maybe even the Ramattra.


  • Oliver “Admiral” Vahar
  • Landon “Landon” McGee
  • Robert “Skairipa” Lupsa

London’s Support line is definitely commendable, having a tough job with the teams fast playstyle. They have to make a lot of quick decisions that can win or lose fights. Admiral and Landon have done this for a while now, but surprisingly Skairipa, who before now has just been a forgettable Support, is fitting right into that difficult role. Its easy to be forgotten as a Support, so its great to see him being tested, and being recognized for the skills he displays. It is possible Skairipa and Landon will actually both see even playtime depending on meta shifts. They have a pretty complete Flex Support hero pool between the two of them, making them equally as useful to the team.


  • Denis “Lethal” Tari
  • James “Backbone” O’Neill
  • William “SparkR” Andersson

Compliments where they are due, the DPS line is finally rounded out, solving one of this roster’s former issues. Lethal will fill the hard Hitscan DPS hole this team has had. SparkR doesn’t excel on most of the heroes he is supposed to cover as part of his role, but on characters such as Sojourn, he plays exceptionally well. Lethal has come to fill all of those weak points on SparkR’s end so SparkR can be used where he really makes a difference. Backbone will likely continue to be as mediocre as always, being just a passible enough Flex DPS.

London Spitfire 2023 Power Ranking

While this team may have good enough players to edge out low and mid ranked teams in games, they will guarantee very few victories against any high level teams unless the exact composition they favor becomes the standard meta. A team like this usually uses their strengths to qualify for Contenders, not to try and win the Overwatch League. They will get all of their wins on player skill and team familiarity on its own.

