
Overwatch 2 Season 3 Expectations — Maps, Heroes & More


We outline our expectations for Overwatch 2, Season 3, including heroes, maps and more!

Overwatch 2 fans have been playing in Season 2 for several weeks now. In other words, Blizzard will most likely give us access to Season 3 in the upcoming days, and with it, we will have access to a lot of new things.

2022 was an excellent year for most Overwatch players because we finally had the chance to try the game’s success. That said, 2023 will also be full of surprises because many of us expect to see the PVE mode. Although it is unlikely to arrive in Overwatch 2 Season 3, we will have access to a couple of new things.

Make sure to follow us for more information about the upcoming Season 3 and everything we need to know about it. Until we have official confirmation, here are some of the things we expect to see.

Supposedly, Blizzard won’t introduce a new Overwatch 2 hero in Season 3

Despite the fact that Season 1 and Season 2 gave us access to a total of 4 new heroes, it seems like this won’t be the case in Season 3. Even though we don’t have official confirmation yet, Blizzard is known for not adding a new hero in every season. Considering that we got 4 in total just a few months ago, it is doubtful to see something new.

Some people may think this is disappointing, but we think it is for the better. Sure, having access to more heroes is a plus, but most players will be happier if the game is more balanced. Despite the several minor updates during Season 2, some Overwatch 2 heroes feel stronger than they should be.

As for the new hero, we expect to see something in Season 4 or 5. Most people are hoping for new support because the game already has an excessively large pool of DPS, as well as more than enough tanks. However, we are yet to see the things that Blizzard will come up with.

There will be a new map

If the leaks regarding Blizzard’s decision to switch the addition of new heroes and maps are true, this means that Overwatch 2 Season 3 will give us access to a new map. We are not sure which option we will have access to, but things like India or Gothenburg are some of the things that players are most hyped about.

One of the interesting things we will have to wait and see is whether the new map will also come with a new game mode. Some people expect to see new things, but we wouldn’t be surprised if we had access to another push map. 

New Battle Pass

Since Blizzard decided that Overwatch 2 will be free to play, the game now features a Battle Pass that everyone gets when they start playing. However, those who want to get better rewards and access to the new hero right away can get a premium version of it.

The S1 and S2 Overwatch 2 Battle Passes were cool, so we expect the same from Season 3. Similar to the previous ones, we will have access to tons of skins, voice lines, as well as other kinds of things. Of course, the premium version will cost real money, but Blizzard might only allow premium BP owners to access the new map since there won’t be a new hero. We will have to wait and see what will happen.

Roadhog nerfs

As mentioned earlier, some of the current Overwatch 2 heroes feel a lot stronger than they should be. Even though there have been a couple of balance changes in the last few months, some options continue to stand out. Of course, the first name that comes to mind is Roadhog because this is the most dominant tank in the game since its arrival.

Although heroes like Doomfirst and Zarya were hot for a while, Roadhog has always been the go-to option for many players. Despite that, the hero hasn’t received any nerf yet, which is why he is still the best.

Well, it seems like Season 3 will put an end to his reign because we expect to see at least a couple of changes. Hopefully, they won’t be as big as those made to Sombra during Season 1. As you probably remember, Sombra was one of the best DPS heroes in the game, but the update nerfed everything, and people stopped playing with her.

New game mode

Although this is related to the new map, we’ve decided to highlight it separately because it could be big. We don’t know whether the Overwatch 2 new game mode will become available in Season 3, but if that’s the case, we can expect huge maps that will be really fun to play.

There have been rumors about new modes, some of which were related to total kills or destroying towers. However, we will have to wait and see if Blizzard will offer something like this in Season 3. Considering that there won’t be a new hero, we wouldn’t be surprised if the company decides to surprise its clients with something special.

New animations

In addition to all of the potential new skins and other cool things, we also expect to see the popular weapon animations. In case you don’t remember, Blizzard highlighted this in the Overwatch 2 trailer a couple of months ago. Despite that, the company hasn’t added it to the game yet, which is why we think this might happen in Season 3.

If we get this feature in Overwatch 2, it should function similarly to the one in CSGO. However, OW 2 does not have any weapon-specific skins yet (aside from the golden ones), which means that this might be another thing that players will have access to. That said, we think that the weapon skins won’t be available in early 2023.

