Season 2 of Overwatch 2 is upon us, and with it comes new patch notes balancing the heroes’ abilities, changing the map pool, and introducing the brand-new tank hero Ramattra. Here is everything you need to know about the Overwatch 2 Season 2 patch notes.
Introducing Ramattra
Overwatch 2 Season 2 brings one major addition to Blizzard’s FPS: the new tank hero, Ramattra. Created as a war machine, Ramattra’s goal is to create a better future for omnics. He became the leader of Null Sector, a violent militant omnic liberation group that players faced during King’s Row Uprising.
Ramattra is the first Overwatch 2 hero able to swap forms in the middle of a fight. His omnic form allows him to protect his teammates, while his nemesis form turns the tank hero into a powerful threat able to crush down his enemies.
Ramattra will make his debut in Overwatch 2 with the launch of Season 2. This hero unlocks at level 45 of the free Battle Pass, or immediately for those who purchase the premium version.
New Map: Shambali Monastery
On top of unlocking a new tank hero, Overwatch 2 Season 2 brings a new Escort map. The Shambali Monastery is located deep in the Himalayas and served as a refuge for omnics after the Omnic Crisis. While Zenyatta and Ramattra are already familiar with this place, Overwatch 2 players will discover it at the beginning of Season 2.
Overwatch 2 Season 2 Patch Notes
Control Game Mode
- Whenever a point is captured on Control, the team losing control of the point counts as having contested the point for the purposes of Overtime even if they were not present.
- For example, if Team A has 99% and Team B has current control of the point, but then Team A takes back control of the point, Overtime will automatically trigger and start to burn down unless Team B can touch again.
- At lower capture percentages this change will have no impact on the game mode, as this new rule is only applied for the purposes of Overtime
Hero Unlocks and Challenges
- Additional challenges for unlocking Junker Queen, Sojourn, and Kiriko
- 70+ player icon rewards have been added to challenges with the release of Season 2
Shop Update
- New Hero purchase tab in the Shop
Competitive Play
- New, temporary competitive title rewards for name cards based on players’ end-of-season rank, unlocked at the end of the current competitive season. Players can only use them in the following season.
- Heroes that aren’t eligible for competitive play will have a lock icon in the Hero Gallery
- Implemented a group of matchmaking enhancements to improve match quality
- Minor polish improvements to the competitive play UI flow
- New hero, Ramattra, won’t be available in competitive for 2 weeks
Hero Updates
Damage Role Passive
- No longer provides a movement speed bonus
- Reload speed bonus increased from 25 to 35%
Rocket Punch:
- Impact damage range (minimum-maximum) increased from 15-30 to 25-50 damage
- Wall slam damage range (minimum-maximum) reduced from 20-40 to 10-30 damage
- Empowered Rocket Punch wall slam stun duration range reduced from 0.5-1 to 0.25-0.75 seconds
- Non-Empowered Rocket Punch now stuns for the minimum 0.25-second duration on wall slam
- Empowered Rocket Punch knockback radius reduced from 4 to 3 meters
- Minimum time before cancel option becomes available reduced from 0.25 to 0.12 seconds
- Cooldown reduced from 4 to 3 seconds (this has been in since his rework but was not previously mentioned)
Power Block:
- Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds
- Duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
- Minimum damage mitigated required to empower Rocket Punch reduced from 90 to 80 damage
Meteor Strike:
- Now empowers Rocket Punch on landing
- Enemy slow duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds
“The Best Defense…” Passive:
- Maximum temporary health increased from 150 to 200 health
- Temporary health gained per target hit with abilities increased from 30 to 40 health
Junker Queen
- Torso and head hit volume size increased 12%
- Wound duration reduced from 5 to 4.5 seconds
- Ultimate cost reduced by 10%
Commanding Shout:
- Cooldown reduced from 15 to 14 seconds
“Adrenaline” Passive:
- Adrenaline passive healing multiplier increased from 1 to 1.25x damage dealt by wounds
Configuration Artillery:
- Delay before projectile drops reduced from 1 to 0.6 seconds
- Explosion damage reduced from 300 to 250
- No longer deals explosion damage to self
- Minimum delay between placing shots reduced by 20%
- Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
- Energy delay before draining reduced from 8 to 5 seconds
- Secondary fire damage falloff starting range reduced from 70 to 40 meters
- Secondary fire critical damage multiplier reduced from 2 to 1.5
- Secondary fire damage now scales linearly with energy from 30 to 130 damage (1 energy converts to 1 damage added)
- Primary fire damage per projectile increased from 9 to 10
- Overclock energy charge rate increased by 20%
Photon Projector:
- Beam charge rate and decay rate increased by 20%
- Primary fire ammo consumption rate increased from 7 to 10 per second
- Primary fire gains ammo from damaging barriers again
Pulse Pistols:
- Damage increased from 5 to 6
Sleep Dart:
- Cooldown reduced from 15 to 14 seconds
- Arm hit volumes width reduced 15%
- Added an auto-wall climb hero option
Kitsune Rush:
- Ultimate cost increased by 10%
- Movement speed bonus reduced from 50 to 30%
- Cooldown rate reduced from 3 to 2 times faster
Protection Suzu:
- Cast time reduced from 0.15 to 0.1 second
- Ammo increased from 12 to 15
Swift Step:
- Ability input can now be held to activate
- Weapon swap time reduced from 0.5 to 0.35 seconds
Caduceus Blaster:
- Ammo increased from 20 to 25
Overwatch 2 Season 2 Map Pool
- New Queen Street – Morning
- Colosseo – Evening
- Esperança – Morning
- Blizzard World – Overcast (new)
- Eichenwalde – Evening
- King’s Row – Evening
- Midtown – Morning
- Paraíso – Morning
- Dorado – Evening
- Junkertown – Morning
- Circuit royal – Night
- Rialto – Morning
- Route 66 – Night
- Shambali Monastery – Night (new map)
- Busan – Night
- Ilios – Evening
- Lijiang Tower – Dawn
- Nepal – Evening (new)
- Oasis – Morning (new)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that was causing Roadhog’s breaths to not be audible when viewing some animations in the Hero Gallery
- Fixed a bug that caused some players to lose competitive challenge progress
- Resolved an issue where several products couldn’t be unlocked from the Hero Gallery
- Fixed an issue with the Lifesaver Challenge not counting Mercy’s Resurrect as a ‘Save’
- Resolved an issue with purchases not immediately showing up after purchase
- Fixed a bug with Torbjörn and Symmetra’s turrets displaying hostile red overlays in Deathmatch for the player that placed them
- Fixed an area of the map where players could get stuck
- Fixed geometry that allowed some heroes to contest undetected
- Fixed some areas that could be used to escape the playable space
- Fixed geometry that allowed some heroes to contest undetected
- Fixed lighting issues across the map
- Fixed some areas where Torbjörn could place his turret in unreachable spots
- Replaced some missing pillars on Sanctum
- Fixed a bug that allowed some heroes to get inside of the payload
Route 66
- Fixed lighting issues across the map
New Queen Street
- Fixed some issues with shadows across the map
- Fixed an area of the map where players could get stuck
- Heroes no longer take damage from their own abilities if they’re on the other side of a friendly barrier
- Fixed an issue with the Damage Passive where sometimes a double reload animation could occur when the buff was active
- Resolved an issue with some skins using the wrong props in the ‘Flashbang’ victory pose
- Fixed an issue where Doomfist’s Power Block reduced the damage from some area of effect abilities
- Meteor Strike – You can no longer detect Sombra if the targeting reticle gets near her
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to use Self-Destruct during their Mech’s destruction while Hacked
Junker Queen
- Jagged Blade can no longer be recalled while slept, stunned, hacked or frozen
- Fixed an issue with Jagged Blade being consumed by friendly abilities like Deflect, Defense Matrix, etc.
- Jagged Blade now takes a curved trajectory on return
- Guardian Angel now correctly resets its cooldown if Valkyrie is used
- Guardian Angel ‘cancel boost’ is now disabled when Mercy is stunned
- Junkrat’s Trap no longer displays at chest height in first person when using Fade
- Fixed a bug that reduced the ult cost of Rocket Barrage
Soldier 76
- Fixed an issue where Soldier 76 was unable to critical hit max range enemies during Tactical Visor
- Fixed a bug that resulted in all VO being cut out when taking the Teleporter
- Fixed a big causing her Pulse Pistol damage falloff to not start until max range
- Resolved an issue with the Werewolf skin and the ‘Excuse me’ highlight intro turning Winston red in the Hero Gallery
- Fixed an issue with melee not correctly animating if used to cancel alternate fire