Our national nightmare is over: Seth Green's kidnapped Bored Ape NFT has returned home

Our national nightmare is over: Seth Green’s kidnapped Bored Ape NFT has returned home


After a dramatic month, comedian and actor Seth Green has finally seen the safe return of his Bored Ape NFT that was stolen during a phishing attack (thanks, Buzzfeed (opens in new tab)). According to Etherscan records, (opens in new tab) Green paid 165 Ether (nearly $300,000) in exchange for Bored Ape #8339, which the man who plays Joker in Mass Effect refers to as “Fred Simian.” Get it?

Green went to Twitter in May to announce that he “got phished and had 4 NFT stolen.” The Family Guy voice actor supposedly fell for a phishing scam that resulted in his OpenSea account being compromised, and his NFTs pilfered, although we can’t be certain the whole thing isn’t an elaborate marketing scheme for his upcoming show.

