The Super Earth Spokesperson wears a merry smile as positive reviews spike on Helldivers 2 on Steam in the background.

‘Operation Clean-up’ begins for Helldivers 2 players as Sony’s PSN plans lie in rubble, with over 70,000 (and counting) positive reviews landing on Steam

Helldivers 2 players completed what I can only describe as their first real-life Major Order over the weekend. After Sony revealed that it would be going ahead with its initial plans to require the monstrously popular co-op shooter’s Steam players to link themselves to a PSN account, an uproar of furious divers retaliated with military coordination.

The major thorn for most players? The requirement would shut out around 177 countries unable to make a PSN account under this returning rule of law. Over 200 thousand negative reviews later, Sony backed down. Cue the fist-bumps, the chest-bumps, and the hoo-rahs. It’s a vindication of one certain community manager’s suggestion to make their upset known via a 500kg review bomb—one that ‘almost, but not quite’ had them fired.