Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC review

Nvidia driver update could help fix stuttering in Final Fantasy 7 Remake


Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most beloved console titles of all time, but it’s always had a bit of a rocky time on PC. The original port from PlayStation to PC back in 1998 was always considered a bit inferior due to framerate issues and was only recently modded to run at 60 FPS. Over 20 years later and the HD remake of Final Fantasy 7 seems to be singing a similar tune of letting down PC players. 

One of the biggest issues with the Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PC, a relentless stuttering  especially in crowded areas while running in DirectX 12, has finally been addressed. WCCFTech reports that the issue appears to be mostly resolved by a recent Nvidia GeForce driver update. Nvidia claimed the update to Game Ready Driver v511.65 should fix the bug in an email shared by a player, and so far the consensus seems to be that it’s helping.

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The Nvidia RTX 3070 and AMD RX 6700 XT side by side on a colourful background

(Image credit: Future)

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