Nobody Saves The World, The Gunk headline December Humble Bundle

Nobody Saves The World, The Gunk headline December Humble Bundle

Humble Bundle has announced the games available in its monthly Humble Choice subscription for December.

Every month, the team at Humble selects a collection of PC games for its members to keep forever. In addition, members get 20 percent off the vast collection of games in the Humble Store. Its a nice little deal, really.

This month, the bundle building team has grouped another eight games together for its subscribers. These are: ELEX 2, Expeditions: Rome, Midnight Fight Express, Nobody Saves the World, The Gunk, The Pale Beyond, Last Call BBS, From Space.

Here is a trailer for Nobody Save the World to whet your appetite.

Meanwhile, five percent of Choice membership this month will help support This is a nonprofit that is “dedicated to ensuring that every student in every school can learn computer science as part of [its] core K-12 education”. You can read more about what they do here.

As for those games, I would personally recommend indie action RPG Nobody Saves the World and alien infested space caper The Gunk. And, as it turns out, so would our Donlan.

In Eurogamer’s review of The Gunk, he described it as an “elegant and thoughtful game” that has a “moral and ethical sweetness to it from the off”.

Meanwhile, when reviewing Nobody Saves the World last year, he called this release a “shape-shifting treat”.

A little look at the Humble Choice games for December

A little look at the Humble Choice games for December. | Image credit: Humble

You can check out this month’s full collection via Humble here. Has anything taken your fancy?