A first-person shot from Mass Effect 1 using a first-person view mod.

No Starfield? No problem! Turn Mass Effect into the first-person space RPG of your dreams with this mod

Mass Effect, as we all know, has always hungered in its secret heart to become a twitchy first-person shooter. To cast aside the aged moniker of “RPG”, whatever that means, and to transform into the helter-skelter, thrill-a-minute Call of Duty-like it was always meant to be.

Well, some dreams cannot be denied. Thanks to the ongoing MassFPS mod series, you can now transform two thirds of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition into a first-person cover shooter. Okay, I admit they’re still very much Mass Effect games, so it’s probably a bit more like turning them into proto-Starfield rather than COD, but I still find myself rather impressed by how well these things work.
