No plans for Star Wars Battlefront 3, as DICE focuses fully on Battlefield

No plans for Star Wars Battlefront 3, as DICE focuses fully on Battlefield


You know it to be true. 

Don’t expect Battlefield studio DICE to make a third entry in the Star Wars Battlefront series.

That’s according to a new Venturebeat report, which has dug further into this afternoon’s flurry of Star Wars details.

Star Wars Battlefront was notably absent amongst announcements of a Jedi: Fallen Order sequel from developer Respawn, a new first-person shooter also from Respawn, and a new strategy game from Bit Reactor… and also Respawn.

Venturebeat reports that EA’s Star Wars output has now been “siloed” at Respawn – which will also continue to work on its popular battle royale Apex Legends. (And no, there’s no word of a Titanfall 3.)

DICE, meanwhile, will focus solely on righting the wobbly-looking Battlefield ship, following the shaky launch of Battlefield 2042. (A separate report this week suggested EA was considering releasing part of that game for free to tempt more players onboard.)

There are no other new Star Wars projects active at EA outside of the three being worked on by Respawn, Venturebeat’s report concludes. Other EA studios are busy working on Dead Space (EA Motive), Dragon Age and Mass Effect (BioWare).

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 arrived back in 2017 with an enjoyable campaign, although its release was vastly overshadowed by the saga of its loot boxes – which were dramatically disabled on the day before release following ferocious pre-launch feedback.
