Nintendo announces Tetris 99 crossover with Pokmon Legends: Arceus •

Nintendo announces Tetris 99 crossover with Pokmon Legends: Arceus •


Nintendo is launching a Tetris 99 crossover event with Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

The Maximus Cup event will run for a limited time from 20th January until 24th January.

Once players accumulate 100 points, they’ll receive a new theme featuring art, music and Tetrimino designs based on the new Pokémon adventure.

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This is the latest collaboration event to hit the puzzle battle royale game, following a Metroid Dread theme last year to celebrate the return of Samus Aran.

It’s also not the first time that Pokémon and Tetris have collaborated, as Pokémon Mini Shock Tetris was released for the Pokémon Mini console back in 2002.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus is due for release on 28th January, just after this Tetris 99 event. It’s still somewhat shrouded in mystery, but we got a look at the latest trailer just recently.
