Numerous reports have swarmed on Twitter which suggest new changes en route to Riot’s first-person tactical shooter.
As confirmed by Riot Games and VALORANT, a new agent will be shipped to the game as part of the Episode 7 update. Alongside the newest addition to the agent roster, we will have a multitude of changes that might be the face of Episode 7 upon its release.
Let us first uncover as much on the newest agent which is to be a Sentinel as per the tweet posted by the developers. Overall Valorant got 21 agents on its roster with the 22nd agent being revealed in a month’s time.
If we take a close look at the teaser, we can make out that the forthcoming agent will have an ability draft set just like Cypher’s and will deal in setting up traps based on Cameras and other Vision Optics. While he may be related to Cypher in some way, the newest agent might be a descendant of Cypher’s because why not.

From the above image, we can spot the agent playing around with his tools which do resemble that of some kind of lens of a camera.
Codenamed as “Cashew”, the newest Sentinel might shake up the meta after changes made to both Chamber and Killjoy. As luck would have it, Cashew is coming to even things out, making it simpler to hold locations and advance the defense meta. Unfortunately, “Cashew” is not sufficiently descriptive to provide fans with much to go on beyond the function of “Agent” and the term “Cashew.”
According to Riot Games’ Executive Producer, Anna Donlan, the forthcoming agent “will stop you dead in your tracks and pull you in for a closer look.”
So far, this is the only piece of information Valorant has posted out on Twitter with more obviously to follow as we look forward to keeping you all updated with the same. This new agent will be the newest addition to the roster after Gekko who made his way into the game on March 7 and played in a showmatch at the VCT LOCK//IN.
As per plans charted by Riot Games and Valorant, a duelist will be introduced to the game by the end of 2023.
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