New multiplayer Skyrim mod has been downloaded over 50,000 times

New multiplayer Skyrim mod has been downloaded over 50,000 times


Skyrim Together Reborn (opens in new tab) is a mod designed for groups of two-to-eight players, though the creators have tested it with over 30, essentially making a mini-MMO. The aim is for friends to be able to play Skyrim co-operatively, complete with shared quest progress. Since its release on NexusMods yesterday, Skyrim Together Reborn has already been downloaded over 56,800 times. For comparison’s sake, the second-most popular new mod added to Nexus is a sexy nun outfit (opens in new tab) from June, which has 30,000 downloads.

As well as the installation video above, mod developers The Together Team have put together both a guide to getting started (opens in new tab) and a playguide (opens in new tab), both of which they describe as essential reading. You’ll need to be playing Skyrim Special Edition version 1.6 on Steam, ideally without any other mods installed barring the address library for SKSE plugins (opens in new tab), and should get a new character to the end of the Helgen tutorial quest before trying to connect to a server.
