An image of the D&D Burgschneider set of clothes, Call to Arms. A fighter, a rogue, a cleric, and a wizard all decked to the nines pose intimidatingly before the camera.

New D&D-inspired drip is predictably pricey—though it can apparently take a beating: ‘We want you to be able to run around in the woods with your friends’

Ever wanted to feel like you could drop a 9th level Meteor Swarm on all your problems? I’d recommend you find less violent fantasies, but this new line of Dungeons & Dragons-inspired swag might help. 

The clothing line is class-based, featuring full garment sets for the Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, and Cleric. It’s all pretty much premium LARP gear—and regrettably a smidge overpriced. A full set will run you just shy of $200. Those wizard robes, though. They exude some powerful vibes.