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NASA manages to fix Voyager’s garbled data problem, even though it’s more than 15 billion miles away

Back in November, NASA’s second longest-running spacecraft Voyager I began sending data that made no sense whatsoever. Instead of information about its status and what various sensors were recording, all the scientists got was a meaningless repeated pattern. Well, after much head-scratching and hard work, engineers have fixed the issue and confirmed that Voyager I is transmitting properly once more, from the depths of interstellar space.

Launched in 1977, Voyager I was part of a twin spacecraft mission to study the gas planets, flying past Jupiter and then Saturn, before heading off out into the unknown. Powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG), it continued to send back data to Earth and in 2012, it crossed the heliopause and officially entered interstellar space.