My Hero Academia is getting a battle royale •

My Hero Academia is getting a battle royale •


For PS4, Switch, Xbox One plus ultra.

Popular manga My Hero Academia is being turned into a free-to-play battle royale game, because there aren’t enough of those already.

Bandai Namco, which has handled previous MHA tie-ins, announced My Hero Academia: Ultra Rumble in the latest Weekly Jump magazine (thanks, Gematsu).

Expect it to turn up at some point for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One, and offer 24-player battles. Closed beta tests will be held in the future.

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Despite its popularity, previous My Hero Academia games have been a bit of a mixed bag. My Hero One’s Justice – a 3D fighter developed by Byking and published by Bandai Namco in 2018 – received a lukewarm reception from fans. A 2020 sequel also failed to set the world on fire.

For the uninitiated, My Hero Academia is set in a world filled with superheroes, but stars a boy born without. It’s a bit like Encanto, if you’ve watched that on Disney+. A live-action film is also now in development.
