Multiversus New Year Patch (1.18) introduces a new 4 Player map, updates Scooby’s Mansion while including a plethora of character updates.
Player First Games and WB kick off 2023 by celebrating Lunar New Year with a cosmetic-filled event that offers profile icons, new banners and more. Players will be able to gain Lunar New year cosmetics by logging in each day for a period of 14 days. The patch also includes a variety of balance changes for a series of characters, including Superman, Arya and Wonder Woman. The upcoming patch also updates Scooby’s Mansion (Roofless) with a new look.
A series of bug fixes that intend to improve the player experience and the game’s overall quality of life are slated to release with the January 18 Patch. According to the stats released by the official Twitter Multiversus account, Finn and Superman were the top 2 most played characters in 2022. On the other hand, Shaggy ended up as the 3rd most played character with a total of 113,838,197 matches played.
New Map: Tree Fort
General gameplay Updates
Hits at specific damage thresholds would now hurt opponents more as Player First’s dev team has included several knockback multiplier changes. The list of general gameplay updates for this patch is very short except for the increase in knockback damage threshold. Newly released characters such as Black Adam receive several tweaks to their damage and abilities in the latest update. On the other hand, Morty from the popular TV series Rick & Morty is receiving nerfs to his save-point ability. To make up for the nerfs, the dev team has increased the character ability to score multiple combo hits.
- Increased the knockback multiplier when players are at specific damage thresholds:
- 115+ damage results in an increased multiplier of 1.075 knockback applied to hits, up from 1.05.
- 150+ damage results in an increased multiplier of 1.125 knockback applied to hits, up from 1.1.
- 175+ damage results in an increased multiplier of 1.25 knockback applied to hits, up from 1.2.
- Developer’s Note: This change is aimed at making players more successful when knocking out opponents at higher damage.
- Enemies that are affected by the Shocked debuff no longer take additional ticks of damage when suffering knockback.
Multiversus New Year Patch Complete List of Character Updates
With Patch 1.18, the dev team have reduced Black Adam’s Ground Neutral Special’s lightning radius to prevent the DC anti-hero from scoring hits from afar. A list of DC characters including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn receive minor balance updates along with a list of bug-fixes. The new year patch intends to fine-tune the in-game experience by also including a plethora of new content and skims for players to purchase with gleamium.
- General
- Fixed a bug with Arya’s disguise where if Arya stole Ultimate Warrior Shaggy and used nair, it would cause a brief freeze.
- Air Up Attack
- Fixed a timing issue that was causing on-hit cancels to be delayed by 2 frames.
- Air Neutral Attack
- Added 2 frames of whiff lag to Needle Strike.
- Air Side Attack
- Adjusted the hitbox on Aerial Alash so that it no longer hits behind Arya as much
- Ground Side Attack
- Increased whiff lag of Jab 1 by 4 additional frames.
- Ground Up Attack
- Added 4 frames of whiff lag to Upward Slash.
- Air Up Special
- Fixed a bug that would prevent Clear The Air from canceling into other attacks on hit
- Air / Ground Special (Precision Grapple Signature Perk)
- Explosion moved to be centered on Batman instead of the grapple hook
- Explosion now triggers after Batman arrives at his destination, instead of after a fixed delay time
- Reel-in travel speed up on Grapple Snipe increased to 7500, up from 5000.
- Air Neutral Attack
- Increased Aerial Batarang’s startup by 7 frames, before the batarang comes out
- Ground Neutral Attack
- Added 5 frames of start-up on ground Batarang throw
- Added 4 frames of end lag that can be removed with a hit of the Batarang.
- Ground Neutral Attack
- Batarang pick up returns 9.45 seconds of cooldown, down from 10.15 seconds
- Ground Side Attack
- Jab 1 and Jab 2 can now be canceled into a jump on hit earlier in order to allow for more combo routes
- Ground Down Attack
- Batman’s ground slide, Crime Sweeper, can now combo into any other attack on hit instead of only his down attack 2 (forward kick)
Black Adam
- Developer’s Note: Black Adam’s Ground Neutral Special threatened opponents from too far away and when it hit, it was causing too much damage. Black Adam’s ground up attack was also extremely safe, while having the ability to lead into significant follow-up damage. In order to address some of these issues, we are attempting to bring these two attacks back in-line with the following changes so that they feel less oppressive and more fair to fight against.
- Air Up Attack
- Shrunk the Hitbox on Arc Lightning by 25%
- Ground Neutral Special
- Lightning Surge’s throws trigger quicker (0.6->0.2)
- Ground Neutral Special
- Reduced Lightning Surge’s minimum length by 15%
- Lowered the amount of shocked debuff from Lightning Surge to 1 stack
- Removed all damage on Lightning Surge’s throw
- Ground Down Special
- Fixed an issue with Shu’s Protection where it would apply many stacks all at once.
- Ground Down Special
- Shu Protection’s bubble forcefield now blocks superman’s lasers, Superman’s lasers will now explode on the surface of the forcefield
- Ground Up Attack
- Increased the cooldown on Call The Heavens’ lightning bolt to 19s, up from 12s.
- Added 14 frames of recovery on whiff
- Reduced the amount of hits from Call The Heavens to 3, down from 4
- Shrank the hitbox on Call The Heavens by 25%
- Startup on armor’s application to Call The Heavens is now delayed by 2 frames and is no longer instant.
- Ground Down Attack
- Fixed bug where Black Adam’s Ground Blast wouldn’t hit enemies that were polymorphed or turned into a chicken
- General
- Weight: Reduce Finn’s weight to 51, down from 55
- Air Down Attack
- Shifted the active frames on Finn’s Ground Chop by 2 frames and adjusted the hitbox in order to better align with his sword’s animation
- Ground Up Attack
- Delayed jump and dodge cancel at the start of Slasher! by 5 frames.
- Added 2 frames of whiff lag
- Slasher!’s active frames now start 1 frame later and end 2 frames earlier. This change will better align Finn’s active hitboxes with Slasher!’s animation and reduce lingering hits.
- Ground Down Attack
- Removed the hitbox on Finn’s hand, on Low Blow, Bro!
- Electric Groove Signature Perk
- Updated Electric Groove to have a chance to apply rhythm, before it worked a bit differently and the perk text was incorrect.
- Addressed an issue where certain attacks that applied shocked would not be affected by Electric Groove
- Air Up Special
- Improved the vacuum knockback on Garnet’s Rising Gauntlet Strike, this should allow for Garnet to see greater consistency on the first hit of this move and allow the first hit to lead into the second hit more reliably.
- Ground Up Special
- Garnet’s electric zone’s explosion now applies additional stacks of Shocked
- Ground Neutral Special
- Fixed a bug where Stronger Than You’s bubbles would be too large around certain projectiles
- Ground Down Attack
- Garnet’s shockwave now better accounts for the Z-axis
- General
- Fixed a bug where Gizmo could fall through the map if he got knocked back as he was attached to an ally
- Developer’s Note: We know that Harley’s camping and zoning behind her Jack-in-the-box is not fun to play against. We wanted to address this by reducing the availability of her Jack-in-the-box. In order to balance out these changes, we’re allowing Harley to explore new offensive combo routes through the ability to cancel out of her slide as a means to encourage Harley to be more offensive and add a layer of additional skill expression to the character.
- Air/Ground Side Special
- Added 8 frames of whiff lag to Prank Shot
- Air / Ground Down Special
- Fixed an issue where Whack-In-A-Box could not be blocked by projectile-blocking effects
- Air / Ground Down Special
- Increased Whack-In-A-Box’s cooldown to 18s, up from 9s
- Reduced Whack-In-A-Box’s life span to 12s, down from 16s
- Air Down Attack
- Added 21 frames of whiff lag to Boxing Ringer
- Ground Up Attack
- Adjusted the hitboxes on Heads Up so that it doesn’t hit behind Harley as much anymore
- Ground Neutral Attack
- Fixed Whack’s hammer-cancel infinite
- Ground Down Attack
- On hit, Slider will now combo into other attacks 6 frames earlier
- Ground Down Attack
- Added 3 frames of whiff lag to Slider
Iron Giant
- General
- Fixed a bug where Iron Giant could eat Gizmo’s car
- Ground Up Attack
- Added 5 additional frames of commitment before Jake is able to dodge-cancel out of You Axe’d For It!. You Axe’d For It! is currently too safe and lacks any sort of commitment on Jake’s part. Our goal with this change is to help insure that this move has an appropriate risk-reward when players commit to using it.
- Added 2 frames of whiff lag to You Axed For It!.
- Air Side Special
- When landing, L-Train! (dunk) now has 16 frames of whiff lag
- Air Ground / Down Special
- Reduced Denied!’s basketball’s max number of bounces before the ball is destroyed to 4, down from
- Air Side Attack (No Basketball)
- Removed 1 active hit frame at end of Check in order to reduce the chances of linger occuring.
- 4 frames of whiff lag added to Check.
- General
- Marvin Spaceship can no longer be destroyed by Wonder Woman’s Shield of Athena perk.
- Signature Perks
- Signature perks can now be selected in local play and will be saved in online play.
- Developer’s Note: Currently, Morty’s Temporal Back-Up’s Save Point is saving his allies and influencing the outcome of matches a bit too much. We wanted to prevent situations where Morty could use Save Point to save an ally, be rungout, and then immediately Save Point again upon respawning. As is, we felt this was too much to play against and created circumstances that were too safe for Morty and his ally while not appropriately rewarding his opponents for making meaningful plays against the duo. In exchange, we have given Morty some new combo possibilities from Air Down Attack and Side Air Attack. We hope that these changes will balance out Morty’s risk-benefit ratio.
- Air/Ground Neutral Special
- Morty’s grenades can no longer be detonated by light projectiles
- Air/Ground Neutral Special
- Reduced Morty’s grenade ammo to 2, down from 3
- Air / Ground Down Special
- Removed healing on Temporal Back-Up’s Recall.
- Tempora Back-Up’s cooldown no longer refreshes on respawn
- Air Down Attack
- Armothy Assault can now cancel much earlier, on hit.
- Air Down Attack
- Added 1 frame of Whiff Lag and 1 frame of end lag to Armothy Assault
- Increased spike’s downward angle
- Ground Side Attack
- Jab 3 of Morty’s Hammer Morty’s hitbox size reduced by 20%
- Ground Down Attack
- Increased the hitbox size on Plumbus Time! by 10%
- Ground Side Special
- Increased knockback scaling on Flounce Pounce to 11.5, up from 9.
- Increased knockback scaling on Flounce Pounce’s sweet-spot hit to 12, up from 14.
- Air Up Attack
- Flying Chomp’s vacuum knockback now chains the attack’s first hit into the second hit more reliably
- Air / Ground Side Special
- Fixed a bug causing the portal aimer distance on Portal Theory and Aerial Portal Stunts to be different depending on the direction Rick was facing
- Ground Side Attack
- Adjusted the velocity of jab 3’s rocket based on charge time
- Ground Down Attack
- Yeah, Fart Bomb!’s fart bomb will now be destroyed if Rick is knocked back before the fart bomb activates
- General
- Badge(s): fixed a bug causing Stripe’s wintracker badge to not work
- Developer’s Note: Superman’s frost breath was leading to really passive play. The frost breath does too much currently (freezes projectiles, freezes enemies, slows enemies, does damage, windboxes enemies away.) We wanted to remove the windbox element to allow opponents an approach option.
- Air/Ground Neutral Special
- Weight: Lowered Superman’s weight to 88, down from 93
- Wavedash: Reduced Superman’s wavedash distance to 700, down from 800
- Air Down Special
- Fixed a bug where eye lasers would stop exploding on the ground after hitting certain projectiles
- Air / Ground Neutral Special
- Removed Ice Breath’s knockback wind box
- Air/Ground Up Special
- Removed the projectile trait from Dogpile in order to prevent School Me Once from blocking it
- Ground Up Attack
- Slam-Wich now has 2 more active frames.
Tom and Jerry
- General
- Emote: Fixed an issue where Tom & Jerry’s Nap Time emote could not be equipped after unlocking it in the battle pass
- Ground Up Special
- Added 3 frames of startup to Rocket Mouse before the rocket will come out
- Ground Down Special
- Fixed a bug on Spread The Knowledge where Velma’s book projectile would not do any hitstun to opponents after passing through an ally
Wonder Woman
- General
- Wonder Woman’s Shield of Athena perk can no longer destroy Marvin Spaceship
- Air / Ground Down Special
- Fixed a bug on Defense Of The Gods that would trigger Wonder Woman’s shield twice when she was hit
- Down Normal Attack
- Fixed bug where Amazon Shout’s vfx would not match hitbox scaling.
When Does Multiversus Patch 1.18 Release?
The Multiversus New Year Patch (1.18) is slated to arrive on servers on Wednesday, January 17, 2023. The game servers will be down for maintenance before Player First Games makes the patch available on live servers. Fans can view the official patch notes article by clicking here.
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