A Nord in a state of distress.

Modder adds the one thing Skyrim has always been missing: Crippling psychological stress

Skyrim bills itself as a fantasy RPG: A sprawling adventure in which you treat with gods and write your name into myth and legend. But it’s not that, really. For most of us, it’s a life sim. A way to live out a new existence as some kind of itinerant lizardman. Sure, you probably still rack up a kill count in the thousands, but I think the majority of players like Skyrim because it provides a space to exist in and explore, rather than for the grandeur of its main plot.

But if the game is truly going to accurately depict a fantasy take on real life, it needs one of real life’s most omnipresent features: Intense, mind-bending anxiety. Thank god for modders like JaySerpa, then, whose mod Stress and Fear – A Dynamic Sanity System (via DSOGaming) promises to turn your Dragonborn into the quivering nervous wreck they were always born to be. Relatable!
