Combine Elite soldier in white uniform with red glowing eye

Moddb’s ‘Mod of the Year’ is the best Half-Life 2 campaign since Half-Life 2


One of the most interesting things about the Half-Life series is that its hero, Gordon Freeman, has slowly been overshadowed by his supporting cast. Barney Calhoun of Blue Shift. Adrian Shephard of Opposing Force. Alyx Vance even got her own game in 2020, further pushing Freeman out of the spotlight.

In 2022, a mod for Half-Life 2 gave another supporting character a day in the sun. Entropy: (opens in new tab)Zero 2 doesn’t even feature one of Half-Life’s heroes, but focuses on the adventure of one of its bad guys, a Combine Elite soldier. And in late December, players voted for Zero 2 as Moddb’s Mod of the Year (opens in new tab)
