Minecraft's upcoming 1.20 release now officially known as Trails & Tales

Minecraft’s upcoming 1.20 release now officially known as Trails & Tales


Let’s be honest, “Minecraft’s 1.20 update” wasn’t exactly a phrase that tripped off the tongue, so thank goodness for developer Mojang, which has now officially given Minecraft’s next major release a far more memorable name: Trails & Tales.

Mojang says it’s chosen the name as it “represents the journey that Minecraft takes us on, and the unique stories that each of us bring back”, and because its additions are all about “self expression through representation, story telling, and world building.”

But while Trails & Tales’ name might be new, details of the features it’ll bring are not, with Mojang having already delved into the update’s various additions in some significant detail.

Mojang announced the Trails & Tales name during its Minecraft Monthly video.

For starters, it introduces a new cherry blossom biome that’ll play hosts to pigs, sheep, and bees. Additionally, it’ll finally usher in Minecraft’s long-delayed archaeology system – which was initially planned to be part of the game’s Caves & Cliffs update in 2021 – alongside the new Sniffer mob, camels, bamboo rafts, and customisable armour trims.

All these features are currently available to test as part of Minecraft’s Bedrock betas and previews, and Java Snapshots. There’s no release date for Trails & Tales’ full launch across all platforms yet, but it’s due to arrive “later this year”.

